Directed by Dale Fabrigar
Written by Marc Paoletti
Produced by David Flores
Starring Sylvette Ortiz, Martin Morales, José Diaz
Ranked 16th of 400+ entries in ABC's of Death 2 competition
Project Summary
ABCs of Death 2 (Magnolia Pictures) featured 26 short segments, each shot by a different director assigned a letter of the alphabet. The directors could shoot whatever they liked.
A public contest was held for the director assigned the letter M.
Whichever film earned the most public votes on the contest website would win. Films were posted as they were submitted, and became immediately accessible to the public—so the sooner you finished your film, the more time you had to accrue votes. Submissions and voting began Aug 14 and closed Nov 14.
Dale and I learned about the competition on Nov 10. I wrote "M is for Man" that night, and we wrapped 36 hours later. Despite only days of voting rather than months, "M is for Man" earned 16th place out of 400+ entries. We subsequently renamed the film "Brave," since the original title would make little sense outside the competition.